About Jan

Musician and geek and Juris Doctor; lover of fine art and fine craft; mother and grandmother and significant other and friend. Passionate about sewing.

Starting the Year Off Warmly

Recently I saw an ArtYarns post on Facebook that screamed “touch me.” Really, just look at that thing of beauty. To look at it is to want it around one’s neck. Before fully researching the pattern, I started dreaming about yarns. On a visit to my LYS, The Flaming Ice Cube, my friend Melinda pointed out a merino/tussah silk yarn in a sorta variegated/hand-painted teal that had some lighter streaks in it. This is my color! I quickly purchased it, then went home to find the pattern. Oops. The pattern was only available from Mont-Tricot Yarns in Sutton, Quebec, Canada, … Continue reading

Creativity Comes in Many Forms

My experiments with creativity involve fabric and thread or yarn or glass or clay or crystal beads. But for many people creativity involves vegetables and fruit and flour and meat. Art comes out in a lovely presentation. That’s not me. I don’t like to cook. I cook out of love—to have something interesting and delicious ready for the Jazzman to eat when he gets home after a long day on the railroad. Not out of love for the process. For me, the hours spent preparing food could better be spent—definitely more enjoyably spent—cutting out a pattern or adding more rows … Continue reading

‘Tis the Season …

One of my great joys since my grandchildren started school has been to make holiday and end-of-year gifts for their teachers. Each year the teachers would get similar items, but each different. And all have been handmade. One year it was handknit scarves, one year the mesh zipper bags that I love to make, one year little purses. I deliver the requisite quantity to my daughter-in-law, and the children pick out which item is “perfect for” which teacher. This year it’s notebook covers. You know those fabulous Moleskine notebooks that you pick up each time you’re in Barnes & Noble? … Continue reading

Creative Use of Selvedges

I never wear blue. Probably the last time there was anything blue in my wardrobe when I was in a local sorority, Tyes, at Florida Technological University (now University of Central Florida) and our colors were blue and gold. I made a blue jumper for a rush party. (Wait for it … you know the photo is to follow.) For the next year I will be serving as campaign treasurer for my friend, Michele Lepore Hagan, who is running for the Ohio House of Representatives seat her husband, Bob Hagan, is vacating. I went with Michele to the Mahoning County … Continue reading

Happy Customer

Remember my guinea pig shirt? That was the Sandra Betzina t-shirt I made when I could find no reviews of the pattern, so didn’t really know what I was getting into. I had bought enough of that fabric that I would be able to make (or help make) a top for DGD, who—sadly—has already passed out of her “I’m going to be a fashion designer when I grow up” phase. <Insert very sad face emoticon here>. And wouldn’t you know it…I (or she) chose another pattern for which there were no reviews. However, this pattern was a complete piece o’ … Continue reading

In Praise of Silk Jersey

If I had to tell elucidate my most reassured wardrobe possessions, these Eileen Fisher silk tanks would be right at the top. I own three of them in black, plus one in cream, and a similar EF cap-sleeved t-shirt in red. Some were bought on sale but, truthfully, I paid full price for at least one. I wear the black tanks as a man wears undershirts. They allow me to wear my favorite cashmere sweaters longer between washings or visits to the dry cleaner; they smooth out bra lines under knit tops; they provide an extra layer of warmth and … Continue reading

A Brief Leave of Absence …

Today I’m busy editing and uploading my photos from my trip to Europe, but found something cool I thought you’d like. As you know, gifting is right around the corner, and we sewists and thoughtful crafters need to get on task quickly. Hart’s Fabric posted an “Easy Infinity Scarf” which seems like it would be a great gift on anyone’s list. Here’s their post. Enjoy, and check out my travelogue in a few days.

One More for the Road

Of course. That’s what you’ll say when I tell you I decided around 2:00 yesterday afternoon to make Just One More Top for the trip. I wanted to try Katherine Tilton’s Butterick 5961 one more time. I still had some of the peacock RPL from my View C. I had also gotten some “army green” of the same fabric. Their army green is really closer to an avocado. So I made View A/B and cut it two inches longer. To counteract the floppiness of the collar, I took the lightweight interfacing that I had used for the hems on View … Continue reading