Starting the Year Off Warmly

PCOnRecently I saw an ArtYarns post on Facebook that screamed “touch me.” PuffyCowl Really, just look at that thing of beauty. To look at it is to want it around one’s neck.

Before fully researching the pattern, I started dreaming about yarns. On a visit to my LYS, The Flaming Ice Cube, my friend Melinda pointed out a merino/tussah silk yarn in a sorta variegated/hand-painted teal that had some lighter streaks in it. This is my color! I quickly purchased it, then went home to find the pattern.

Oops. The pattern was only available from Mont-Tricot Yarns in Sutton, Quebec, Canada, free with the purchase of a hank of one of three ArtYarns varieties. Nowhere else. (Although soon it will be available from ArtYarns.)

I purchased the yarn on Wednesday or Thursday before a long, 6-performance weekend in Cleveland, and I badly wanted that pattern. So I did the only thing a knitter could do. I called Mont-Tricot and ordered a hank of the specified yarn. The lovely and customer-service-oriented Lucinda emailed me the pattern. I spent all my spare time over the weekend working on this cowl. I took it along to Asheville, NC, and Columbus, OH, for Christmas visits, and finished it about two hours before New Year’s Eve dinner.

PCFrontI had purchased a cashmere jewel-neck sweater (on sale at Talbot’s on Christmas Eve) specifically to wear with this cowl. That’s the sweater in the picture above. I’m standing on my back porch on New Year’s Day. The temperature is about 24 degrees, and there’s about four inches of snow behind me (and much more to follow tomorrow).

I love the cowl. Warm, soft, delicious.

PCBackAfter I finish a sweater for DGD’s American Girl doll, I’ll start the second version of this cowl, with my ArtYarns acquisition.

What do I love the most about this cowl? Besides the yumminess? The three-needle bind-off. Look at that beautiful finished seam! I’ve done two or three three-needle bind-offs now, and I just think it’s a brilliant way to finish a seam. So clean. So professional-looking.

Yep. More of these cowls to follow.

Wardrobe note: My earrings are from Hsu Studios in Berkeley Springs, WV. If you ever have a chance to visit Berkeley Springs on their open studio weekend in September, go! Anyone who loves handcrafts will be in heaven!! (Almost Heaven, West Virginia … Get it?)

Creativity Comes in Many Forms



My experiments with creativity involve fabric and thread or yarn or glass or clay or crystal beads. But for many people creativity involves vegetables and fruit and flour and meat. Art comes out in a lovely presentation.

That’s not me. I don’t like to cook. I cook out of love—to have something interesting and delicious ready for the Jazzman to eat when he gets home after a long day on the railroad. Not out of love for the process. For me, the hours spent preparing food could better be spent—definitely more enjoyably spent—cutting out a pattern or adding more rows to a knitting pattern.

I was in my friend’s home last night, looking at her exquisitely decorated Fraser Fir and eating her hand-crafted kolache. We were talking about all the work that goes into making kolache, and the satisfaction of making it instead of buying it.

Suddenly it dawned on me. My friend could buy a kolache, and it would be delicious. But when she makes her own kolache, she drifts away into the joyful satisfaction of measuring and mixing, forming and watching the rising process, baking and smelling the wonderful aroma.

I realized her joy in that process is the same as my joy in determining where on the printed fabric to place the pattern pieces, in using my wealth of sewing knowledge to fuse a light interfacing into the shoulder seam allowances, in slipping into the basted garment and realizing I’m going to love it.

Creativity is creativity, no matter what form. And creativity feeds us in many ways.

May you have a creative couple of days as we head toward 2014.

‘Tis the Season …

NotebookcoversOne of my great joys since my grandchildren started school has been to make holiday and end-of-year gifts for their teachers. Each year the teachers would get similar items, but each different. And all have been handmade.

One year it was handknit scarves, one year the mesh zipper bags that I love to make, one year little purses. I deliver the requisite quantity to my daughter-in-law, and the children pick out which item is “perfect for” which teacher.

CollageThis year it’s notebook covers. You know those fabulous Moleskine notebooks that you pick up each time you’re in Barnes & Noble? Yep, those. I found this great selection of fabrics in my local quilt store last week. They’re from the ‘Collage’ collection by Carrie Bloomston of Such Designs for Windham Fabrics. I’ve made padded notebook covers for the Moleskine notebooks. The lining is the newspaper collage fabric, so when the teacher uses up one of the notebooks and inserts another, she has inspiring words to read. The outside is the bright fabric – one with birds, one with polka dots, one with vertical stripes. And each has a tie to hold it closed in her bag.

Why, yes, I did make one for myself. Out of a jazzy piano keyboard fabric, of course.

What have you done for your kids’ or grandkids’ teachers this holiday season? They do so much for our beloved babes—how could I not put the effort into these lovely gifts?

And in my normal fashion, each year I wonder if the teachers wouldn’t just rather have a gift card to Staples or Barnes and Noble. And then I get a comment on Facebook that makes me smile the rest of the day:

Nesha, who has been my knitting friend for several years, and this year became my darling Boston’s teacher, posted on my Facebook page today:

Every year around this time, I read your posts and think, “Boy, I can hardly wait until those kids are in MY class!” At last!

Happy Grandma.

Creative Use of Selvedges

BlueTopI never wear blue. Probably the last time there was anything blue in my wardrobe when I was in a local sorority, Tyes, at Florida Technological University (now University of Central Florida) and our colors were blue and gold. I made a blue jumper for a rush party. (Wait for it … you know the photo is to follow.)

For the next year I will be serving as campaign treasurer for my friend, Michele Lepore Hagan, who is running for the Ohio House of Representatives seat her husband, Bob Hagan, is vacating. I went with Michele to the Mahoning County Board of Elections office to file her paperwork declaring her intent to run, and—in my best patriotic intention—wore my favorite red sweater. My friend, who served as Bob’s campaign treasurer, said, “You can’t wear read. That’s the Republicans’ color.” Well, duh. So I came home and started looking for something blue-but-not-too-blue.

BlueTopFabricI found this blue rayon print at and grabbed enough to make another version of Katherine Tilton’s Vogue 8817. I’ve done this top before; here is a list of the blog posts. The fabric is very soft and cotton-y feeling. This will be a great three-seasons top.


Pattern Description: Close-fitting, pullover top has neck binding, seam detail, stitched hems, contrast variations, and optional double needle topstitching and silk screen motifs. A and B: sleeve bands. B:lower front cut on crosswise grain of fabric. D: purchased trim. Note: included are Katherine Tilton’s instructions for silk screening. This is view C/D.

Pattern Sizing: B5(8-10-12-14-16), F5(16-18-20-22-24) This is my fourth or fifth go-round with this pattern. I am 5’8″ and 38DD – I make no alterations in the pattern and love it as it is.

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes.

Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?

Fabric Used: Rayon/lycra knit from Gorgeous Fabrics.

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I cut the back a little shorter and straighter — left the length of the side seam as is and just straightened out the back a little.

I cut the middle front piece lengthwise along the selvedge, which was the darkest blue in the print.

The next time I make this top, I’ll do a vertical-only FBA, so the front won’t pull up. But really, if you don’t want to do an FBA, it’s fine as is.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Absolutely yes – five times yes!

Conclusion: Easy, flattering top with two very different versions – both equally flattering and easy to make. Looks good in a variety of fabrics.

See the full write-up on my blog, with photos and links to the other versions.

BlueTopBackHere’s a view of the back. I wish the Spousal Equivalent had gotten the hem, but one must take what she can get when relying on the kindness of housemates. I like how the hem dips down a little on the sides after my slicing a little off the back.

That guy on my shoulder in the picture is Angel, whose disposition is anything but angelic. He is part Maine Coon and lives life on his own terms. “Pet me twice. If you pet me a third time, I will attempt to bite your hand off.”

TyesBlueGoldI’ll be wearing this top to our next campaign event. I guess any blue is better than my fave red sweater. Oh, well. Politics is not about fashion, right?

And, here’s my Tyes rush costume, circa 1969:

Happy Customer

imageRemember my guinea pig shirt? That was the Sandra Betzina t-shirt I made when I could find no reviews of the pattern, so didn’t really know what I was getting into.

M6787I had bought enough of that fabric that I would be able to make (or help make) a top for DGD, who—sadly—has already passed out of her “I’m going to be a fashion designer when I grow up” phase. <Insert very sad face emoticon here>. And wouldn’t you know it…I (or she) chose another pattern for which there were no reviews. However, this pattern was a complete piece o’ cake, given the number of knit tops I’ve made over the past ten months.

This is McCall’s 6787, cute as it can be.

Pattern Description: GIRLS’/GIRLS’ PLUS DRESSES, TUNIC, BELT AND LEGGINGS: Pullover dresses and tunic have front gathered into neck binding, elasticized (seamed) waist, and narrow hem. A: peplum, and sleeves gathered at cap and into sleeve binding. B, C and D: belt, bow B. Overlay C and lower edge D: shaped hemline. Leggings have elastic waist, and no side seams. All have narrow hem. I made View D.

Pattern Sizing: Combinations: GIRL(7-8-10-12-14), PLS(101/2-121/2-141/2-161/2) I cut a 14.

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes.

Were the instructions easy to follow? Very easy.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? Well-written instructions. Well-thought-out design. Very, very stylish for the elementary school crowd.

Fabric Used: For the body, a Missoni-esque ITY fabric that I picked up at Vogue Fabrics’ booth at the Pittburgh Original Sewing & Quilt Expo. For the sleeves, a great nylon/acetate/lycra that Ann Steeves at Gorgeous Fabrics calls Swiss 4-way stretch. Ann’s description is right-on: It will be a mainstay of your wardrobe.

imagePattern alterations or any design changes you made: None, although that was a boo-boo. DGD is 10yo, and has the body of a 10yo, but she has the height of a 14yo. I should measure her every time I start making something, as she’s growing like the proverbial weed. Last May I made a dress for her end-of-year activities. I cut a 16 and had to take it in to 14 in the chest. So I thought I could cut a 14 in this top. But, that dress had a raised waist. I didn’t have to worry about back waist length. I should have worried about back waist length on this top.

Changes I did make: put a strip of interfacing at the back shoulder to stabilize that seam; put a 5/8″ strip of soft interfacing along the hemline and at the sleeve hem. This gives me a much smoother finish with the double needle technique.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Yes, with alterations for back waist length. Highly recommend.

Conclusion: Very easy, very cute, very appealing to young girls. If you’ve got a young girl in your life, and you like working with knits or even want to try working with knits, this is a great pattern!

The bottom line for DGD was that she loved it. She declared it very comfy and didn’t mind that the waist was a little high on her. She popped it over a pair of black leggings I had grabbed off the shelf at Wal-mart, wrapped the self-belt around the [raised] waist and did a twirl for me.

Don’t you love success stories?!

In Praise of Silk Jersey

imageIf I had to tell elucidate my most reassured wardrobe possessions, these Eileen Fisher silk tanks would be right at the top. I own three of them in black, plus one in cream, and a similar EF cap-sleeved t-shirt in red. Some were bought on sale but, truthfully, I paid full price for at least one. I wear the black tanks as a man wears undershirts. They allow me to wear my favorite cashmere sweaters longer between washings or visits to the dry cleaner; they smooth out bra lines under knit tops; they provide an extra layer of warmth and comfort on a cold day, they enable me to pack fewer outer layers for international travel. They feel like I’ve slipped a thin cloud between my skin and my clothes. When I’m traveling, I wash them with two drops of shampoo in the sink, wring out in a towel, hang them in the bathroom on an inflatable hanger, and in less than two hours, they’re dry. They roll up to nothing in the suitcase. They are, quite simply, a brilliant purchase.

So every time Marcy Tilton asks her devoted students and followers what fabric they’d like her to stock in her online store, I quickly email or post three words to her: “black silk knit.”

imageAnd she heard my pleas. Marcy has stocked a black silk knit in her online fabric store. As soon as she posted it, with no project in mind, I raced to buy a length of it.

When it arrived in my mailbox, I tore the package open and began petting. This is a must-buy fabric. This is a wardrobe staple.

What should you make? Oh, maybe Katherine Tilton’s Butterick 5925 to wear with a pair of satin skinny pants and your favorite blingy necklace or chandelier earrings for holiday parties. Maybe a long roomy tee to sleep in. Or a tank like all my EF tanks, but at half the price and with a perfect fit, because you tailored it to your own body.

Whatever you choose, you will be glad you bought the silk, and you’ll want more. I gar-ahn-TEE it, as the Men’s Wearhouse guy says.

A Brief Leave of Absence …

infinityscarfToday I’m busy editing and uploading my photos from my trip to Europe, but found something cool I thought you’d like.

As you know, gifting is right around the corner, and we sewists and thoughtful crafters need to get on task quickly. Hart’s Fabric posted an “Easy Infinity Scarf” which seems like it would be a great gift on anyone’s list.

Here’s their post.

Enjoy, and check out my travelogue in a few days.

One More for the Road

imageOf course. That’s what you’ll say when I tell you I decided around 2:00 yesterday afternoon to make Just One More Top for the trip.

I wanted to try Katherine Tilton’s Butterick 5961 one more time. I still had some of the peacock RPL from my View C. I had also gotten some “army green” of the same fabric. Their army green is really closer to an avocado.

So I made View A/B and cut it two inches longer.

To counteract the floppiness of the collar, I took the lightweight interfacing that I had used for the hems on View C, tugged to see where it had the most stretch, and cut a full collar out of that and fused to the collar. Because it wasn’t a true bias, the collar came out wonky, which I really like. I

I also cut a 1.5″ strip of the teal the same length as the collar and drew lines on it with a lime Fabrico pen. I folded it and basted to one long edge of the collar, so it peeks out of that seam. You have to invade my personal space to see the stripes, but I know they’re there.

Finally, to finish tying the teal and green together, I cut a little strip and sewed it onto the left sleeve 2″ above the hem, using the double needle to topstitch the edges and the center.

The top feels a little big on me even thought I cut my normal 16. If you’re using a soft knit with a lot of stretch, you might go down a size.

And now it’s time to board the plane for Frankfurt. Tschüß!